If you only want to do a couple of the sections, that's fine! Please though try to focus on the latter half of the essay, as I believe that that is the weakest part of the thesis.-This essay is also being peer reviewed and proof read by members of my family with a higher-education level background, these being my sister for English Literature and my mother for History.

Things you should know before you express interest:-I am not expecting anyone to read and review the entire essay. Proof reading and peer reviewing is open to all online artists, however I am particularly looking for people with these backgrounds:-Experience with MMD and Blender/Maya/any other 3D program, with interactions from both communities.-Academic, professional or hobbyist experience in working with or analysing Literature, Music, History or Art (in particular Shakespeare, Cinderella, the Tudor period, allegorical paintings and sampled music). I want to make sure all my points make sense, that my sources are good, that the writing is accessible to all, and give my contemporaries an opportunity to correct/enlighten me on other perspectives or points that I may have missed out. I am looking for feedback mostly regarding the content of the essay, hence the peer review. My thesis is that the act of borrowing components to make a new piece of art should never be looked down upon, simply because it is not 100% original, as nothing in the universe is 100% original.The purpose of proof reading and peer reviewing is to help me get some feedback on my essay before it is published. The essay attempts to justify MMD art made with borrowed assets, and it argues that it should be respected as an art form due to the history of transformative art, such as Shakespeare's work, the story of Cinderella through the ages, how many popular songs use samples, and allegorical 16th century paintings of the English Tudor period, all pieces that use borrowed assets in some way, shape or form. Hello!My MMD transformative essay is finally ready for some proof reading and peer reviewing!I am looking for MMDers to proof read and peer review my 8,000 word essay on the subject of MMD transformative art.