If your price falls outside of the budget, please bid anyways. Willing to pay to expedite the time and will pay additional amount for larger read range. Hi, this is my first post, I need help to create EM-18 RFID reader or ID-12, ID-20 reader, in Proteus, I want to use it as apart of arduino project's simulation. We will require schematics, software, and 2 working units. So the reader would read the data, multiple tags at a time, save it, and allow to download onto a PC at a later date. It should be able to work without a computer connected to it. Range MINIMUM of 50 cm with 99% read accuracy. Must be able to read multiple tags (If several tags are in range it must be able to read all of them either at the same time, or buffer and read individually very quickly)

This reader does not have to be easily mass produced, but must be able to be replicated to build several units. We require a RFID reader to be completely custom manufactured.