my great ship the rms titanic download vs7 today. share this video ship download links #1 queen mary 2. keep up become a fan on facebook facebook ben.angel1?v=photos&ref=sgm#! the ultimate list with the biggest boats available for virtual sailor! real or not,if it´s big enough it´ll be here. congratz to those names who are in the video for best ship. I want to show about these epic works these creators went to. About vs ng virtual sailor ng in an excellent nautical simulator, having excellent marine dynamics, this simulator allows you sail where ever you wish, to explore and customize your boats and to train yourself on all forms of virtual sailing, boat simulator or ship simulator. 0:00 6:46 my top 5 favorite virtual sailor ships (current as of 8 05 10) deathcalls92056244 367 subscribers subscribe 31k views 12 years ago become a fan on facebook.

i also like to think most of the cruise ships (p&o, aida, carnival & princess) also handle quite well too. Quite a few of my ships have been updated to make the most of virtual sailor ng as they now have up to 6 animations. download ( 0.85 mb ) virtual sailor ng naval simulation at its best !. this ship was beautifully created by ragnar den besten. The "cargo ship" is a very detailed medium size cargo ship, this is the first cargo ship for virtual sailor and has a high level of detail. Virtual Sailor Ng Naval Simulation At Its Best